Asus Unveils Asus Marshmallow Keyboard KW100 and MD100 Mouse: Quiet and Innovative Desktop Accessories

Asus, a renowned name in the world of technology and computing, has currently unveiled two thrilling additions to their line of computing device add-ons. Designed with innovation and user consolation in mind, the Asus Marshmallow Keyboard KW100 and Marshmallow Mouse MD100 have now hit the Indian marketplace. These peripherals promise a completely unique computing experience, characterized by their silent operation and person-friendly functions.

Asus Marshmallow Keyboard KW100 Features

Asus Marshmallow Keyboard KW100 Features

The Asus Marshmallow Keyboard KW100 is a compact and wi-fi keyboard that boasts compatibility with various operating structures, including Windows, Chrome, macOS, and iOS devices. This keyboard includes a notebook-like scissor key format, ensuring tactile typing enjoyment. The keys are designed to face up to a high-quality 10 million clicks, ensuring their durability for huge usage.

One of the standout functions of the KW100 is its capacity to connect with up to three devices simultaneously, making an allowance for seamless multitasking and tool switching. Moreover, this keyboard is equipped with 12 hotkeys, imparting brief and handy access to frequently used capabilities and improving productivity.

One of the most excellent features of the KW100 is its silent switches, which substantially reduce typing noise, minimizing disruptions in quiet environments like libraries. This function is not only user-pleasant but also considerate to those sharing a workspace.

Asus Marshmallow Mouse MD100 Features

Asus Marshmallow Mouse MD100 Features

The Asus Marshmallow Mouse MD100 is a light-weight and visually appealing mouse designed to cater to both left- and right-passed customers because of its symmetrical design. It’s not only handiest and aesthetically captivating, but also extraordinarily quiet. The mouse’s buttons generate much less than 20 dB of noise, making sure that your computing revel remains unobtrusive.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the MD100 is its adjustable DPI (dots per inch) setting, which permits customers to fine-tune the sensitivity of the mouse to their liking. This degree of customization ensures that the mouse is snug and responsive, catering to an extensive variety of tasks and user preferences.

Battery life is some other place where the MD100 excels, with an unmarried price lasting as much as an excellent 12 months. This extended battery lifestyle reduces the hassle of frequent recharging, improving typical convenience. Additionally, the mouse features a magnetic pinnacle cowl that may be used to exchange among unique shades, including a touch of personalization for your workspace. To top it off, an antimicrobial defense is integrated into the MD100 to reduce the growth of microorganisms, ensuring a clean and hygienic experience.

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Price and availability

Both the Asus Marshmallow Keyboard KW100 and Marshmallow Mouse MD100 are priced competitively. The KW100 keyboard is available at ₹2,899, while the MD100 mouse is priced at ₹1,499. These accessories can be purchased without difficulty online through the ASUS e-shop, Amazon, and Flipkart. For folks who choose a palms-on experience, they may be additionally available for purchase at ASUS Exclusive Stores, ROG Stores, Croma, Vijay Sales, and Reliance Digital outlets.

In conclusion, Asus has once again confirmed its dedication to handing over innovative and user-centric products with the advent of the Marshmallow Keyboard KW100 and Marshmallow Mouse MD100. These accessories not only promise a quiet and snug computing experience but additionally offer a number of capabilities that cater to the diverse needs of computer users. Whether you’re a professional operating in quiet office surroundings or a gamer looking for a responsive and customizable mouse, Asus has you covered with those new additions to their acessory lineup.

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